The school is a structural subdivision of the institution of the RSGE "Republican Educational Health Center "Baldauren".
The organization of the educational process is carried out on the basis of curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the curriculum which is developed annually on the basis of a standard curriculum of institutions providing general secondary education. All the programs used correspond to educational standards and the level of training of students in a particular academic discipline.
The average number of students in a term is 288.
There are 22 students in a class. The main age of schoolchildren is V- IX grades students (11-15 years old).
The school works 5 days a week. Classes at the school are held in two shifts.
The school staff consists of 18 teachers with higher pedagogical education.
"Teacher-moderator" - 1
"Teacher-expert" - 3
"Teacher-researcher" - 14
Master's Degree - 1
Teachers who were awarded for their contribution to the development of education and upbringing of the younger generation:
badge of the name of Ibray Altynsarin – 3
badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" – 5
letter of thanks and diploma of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan -16
congratulatory card of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan -1
letter of thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Tokaev -1
Education at the school of the REHC "Baldauren" has a number of features:
classes are a temporary children's association;
short-term learning process (3 weeks);
students have different levels of training (children from secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, specialized classes);
learning without homework.
The school has 17 classrooms with modern technical equipment.
School classrooms:
2 classrooms of the Kazakh language and literature;
2 classrooms of Russian language and literature;
1 English language classroom;
1 Computer science room;
2 Math classrooms;
1 classroom of History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry.
Physical education classes are held in the gym, swimming pool, in the game room, on sports grounds.
Extracurricular activities
The main types of extracurricular work are: subject weeks, open lessons, intellectual games, talk shows, literary and musical evenings, round tables, debates, meetings with honored and famous figures of art, culture, science.
Various forms of events are very interesting to students, which gives them the opportunity to realize their intellectual and creative potential.
The following conditions have been created to solve the main task of the school, laid down in the educational program:
the curriculum has been compiled;
the structure of the methodological service of the school has been created;
there is a monitoring on the basis of intra-school control – one of the conditions for the effectiveness of the school;
"Young Teacher's School" has been organized to promote the productive professional development of young teachers;
creative groups of teachers who have completed advanced training courses are working in order to introduce new educational technologies into the educational process and provide factual and practical material for the dissemination of pedagogical experience,
there are creative groups in social-humanitarian and natural science directions for the development of effective training and exchange of experience;
Teachers of the educational complex actively use innovative technologies in teaching, which are carried out at the level of development and implementation into practice.
During the year, they constantly conduct open lessons using ICT, level differentiation, and gaming technologies.
Every year teachers not only take an active full-time and part-time participation in international, republican scientific and practical conferences, competitions, seminars, but also are the initiators of these events.