The main activity of the physical culture and tourist complex is the implementation of the Concept of physical culture and sports development in the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of the REHC "Baldauren".

The purpose is the versatile development of the personality by means of physical culture and sports in the traditions of national and world culture.

The material and technical base of the FTK consists of:

closed premises: sports, fitness and game halls, large and small pools, chess studio;

• open areas: gymnastic, basketball, two volleyball courts, a tennis court, a rope park; a playground with outdoor exercise equipment;

• pier, catamarans;

• open winter areas: skating rink, ski slopes, an ice slide for riding buns.

Work in aterm is carried out by 8 sports instructors, who are professionals in their specializations.

A well-organized upbringing process includes work in three directions:

o Physical culture.

o Sport.

o Tourism.

The morning in Baldauren begins with morning exercises accompanied by music.

During school hours, according to the program, physical education lessons are conducted.

During the tern, sports clubs are organized for children.

There are, training sessions, which deal with the rules of basketball, volleyball, "Shootout", table tennis, checkers, chess, the game "Togyz-kumalak".

There is a bus excursion around the State National Natural Park "Burabay", where children get acquainted with the most beautiful nature of the region and visit historical places.

In summer, there is a walk to the forest, catamarans ride, a rope park and outdoor workouts, machines, jumping on a trampoline. Also, Baldaureni have the opportunity for active recreation in the form of riding bicycles, scooters, roller skates and various games on sports grounds.

In winter, outdoor walks are organized using winter equipment (skates, skis, buns).

Swimming is one of the most important means of physical education in  Baldauren. The tasks of the pool instructors are to teach and improve the swimming skills of the child.

The result of the work done in the term is the Olympia sports festival. This holiday promotes healthy lifestyle and the Olympic movement among young people, the development of mass sports and team building. The Olympia sports festival is held for two days and is one of the brightest and memorable events for the tern participants. Competitions are held in three age groups: junior, middle and senior. The first day is dedicated to team championships. The second day is mostly devoted to individual championships and friendly matches between the group "Zhastar" (a team of pedagogue - organizers) and "Baldauren" (a team of children).

According to the results of Olympia, all winners are awarded with diplomas in a solemn atmosphere.

Each direction in which work is carried out in the sports and tourism complex is a great benefit for the development of every teenager who rest in Baldauren. The events unite the children's team, give everyone the opportunity to show their abilities, comprehensively develop the personality and lead to an awareness of the values ​​of positive personality traits and a healthy lifestyle.

Information for parents.

To take part in all sport activities your child needs, the following things:

• sport suit;

• T-shirt;

• closed sports shoes;

• 5-6 pairs of socks.

To visit the pool:

• swimsuit (swimming trunks);

• slippers for the shower;

• personal hygiene items (soap, shampoo, washcloth, bath towel).

To visit the excursion:

• headwear: hat, baseball cap, panama (summer);

• scarf, gloves or mittens (winter, spring, autumn).

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